What did Jennifer Davis do? Oklahoma teacher arrested for alleged public intoxication on school prem

Posted by Patria Henriques on Monday, May 27, 2024

Jennifer Davis, an Oklahoma elementary school teacher has been accused of allegedly being drunk in school. She was arrested for the same on Thursday, September 7, 2023, and faces public intoxication charges. The fourth-grade Cross Timbers Elementary School teacher resigned from her job soon after the alleged incident came to light.

The school district confirmed that as soon as they realized that Davis was drunk, they got a substitute teacher in the classroom. This is reportedly the second time a teacher has shown up at Cross Timbers Elementary School in an intoxicated state.

4th-grade teacher Jennifer Davis claims she drank a glass of wine the previous night, not before arriving at school

On Thursday, September 7, 2023, a fourth-grade teacher from Cross Timbers Elementary School identified as Jennifer Davis was accused of being under the influence of alcohol at work.

KMTV TV station obtained footage of a meeting between law enforcement officers, the district superintendent, and Davis. The meeting was held in an office in the school, and the teacher was administered a field sobriety test.

Officials stated that Davis' breath smelled of alcohol. When an officer asked how much she drank, she replied saying:

"Just a glass of wine, nothing major."

The TV station reported that her blood alcohol content was .066, and the legal limit to drive is .08. She told officers that she drank a glass of wine the night before, and not before coming to school. Shortly after, school authorities suspended her for being under the influence of alcohol, and a substitute teacher was appointed in her place. The school district mentioned in a press release:

"Immediately, we had a substitute teacher in the classroom, and we have already begun working on finding a long-term substitute teacher to assist while we search for a permanent teacher. We are committed to finding a great teacher to lead the classroom and help our children excel this year."

The school district further described the incident to be "disturbing and unsettling." They also mentioned that they had no idea who first learned that Jennifer Davis was intoxicated when she came to school that day. They also couldn't confirm if a student witnessed the teacher's alleged drunkenness.

Davis claimed she had a glass of wine the previous night (Image via Twitter)

Jennifer Davis resigned immediately after cops arrested her

Superintendent Kinsey said that the alleged incident was sad for Tecumseh and the school. They added that the school authorities are trying to make the school a better place for the students.

"We did decide that we wanted to have the Tecumseh police come to do a sobriety test. We wanted to double check and make sure. They determined she was unfit for duty. She decided to resign her position immediately before she was escorted off campus by police," Kinsey said.

As per FOX25, Jennifer Davis spoke to a cop and said:

"For them to say I was drinking while at school is such a lie."

The teacher has reportedly been released from jail. She also resigned after the alleged incident after being appointed as a teacher at the school prior to the 2019-20 school year, as per Law&Crime. Cross Timbers Elementary School is located in Tecumseh, which is about 40 miles southeast of Oklahoma City. It has roughly 450 students, from third to fifth standard.

The school authorities also revealed that they have begun looking for a teacher to permanently replace Jennifer Davis. They also mentioned that no details regarding the alleged incident have been shared with the students. Netizens reacted to the news and took a dig at Ryan Walters, the Oklahoma State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and said:

"When will Ryan Walters do something about this epidemic?!"
Netizens have been bashing Ryan Walters on social media. (Image via Twitter)

This alleged incident took place just about a month after Kimberly Coates, an Oklahoma teacher, was taken into custody for reportedly being intoxicated at work on the first day of school. Coates, however, denied the allegations and claimed that she was drinking the previous night, and not before coming to school.

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