Megan Foxs freakish thumbs replaced with hand double in Super Bowl ad

Posted by Trudie Dory on Saturday, June 1, 2024

I try not to pay too much attention to Megan “I say anything that pops into my pretty little head” Fox. So I only vaguely recall a story in which it was pointed out that Ms. Fox has kind of strange, stubby thumbs. I think the term that was used was the Seinfeld-coined “man hands.” It seems kind of petty to point out that an otherwise lovely, albeit vacuous, narcissistic woman, has weird, ugly thumbs, but there you go. Maybe that’s why she’s always sticking her damn thumb in her mouth – to hide it.

Anyway Megan appeared in an ad for Motorola that aired during the Super Bowl. I briefly considered adding it to our Superbowl commercial story, but it didn’t make anyone’s top ten list and I prefer to ignore Megan where possible. You can’t ignore Megan’s giant thumbs, though, and Motorola realized this. They replaced Megan’s hands in the commercial with a hand model with more proportionate digits. My favorite part of this story is how the NY Daily News quotes experts who give medical reasons for why Megan’s thumbs could be so messed up.

Megan’s thumb vs. thumb in the ad

If Motorola’s Superbowl commercial proved anything Sunday night, it’s that there are one too many bloggers out there who are overly familiar with Megan Fox’s body parts – especially her thumbs.

The commercial features the sexy “Transformers” star au natural in a bathtub filled with strategically placed bubbles.

According to the Daily Mail, after the commercial aired, meticulous bloggers noted that Motorola employed a hand double for Fox’s closeups.

“Did anyone else catch this?” wrote a blogger for Celebrity Smack. “I couldn’t help but chuckle when they showed a close-up of the Motorola phone and the hands holding it were definitely not Megan Fox’s.”

After Fox’s promotional movie photos surfaced last summer, revealing a candid look at her abnormally shaped thumbs, the Daily News learned that the 23-year-old actress has a hereditary defect known as brachydactyly.

“Literally, what it means is short finger,” Dr. Steven Bendner, a hand surgeon at Beth Israel Medical Center, told us. “The nail of the thumb in this condition is often very short and wide.

“It is usually hereditary. Although it could also have been caused by frostbite, or it could have been an injury to the growth plate in childhood.”

But don’t expect Fox’s so-called clubbed thumbs to stand in the way of her career anytime soon.

“In Megan Fox’s case, it appears that only the last bone of the thumb is affected and that it does not involve the joint,” says Dr. Richard Kim, director of congenital hand surgery at Hackensack Medical Center. “For her, it looks like it’s just a cosmetic deficit.”

[From NY Daily News]

Both of Megan’s hands have that very minor defect. It’s not that noticeable in photos, but you can see why ad execs would chose to use a hand model instead of showcasing Megan’s normal stubby thumbs. I wonder how much she got paid for that ad. Did they deduct a small percentage to make up for the fact that they couldn’t use her real hands?

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